We can get carried away with sex toys and a sense of adventure. We might think we have great ideas to spice things up, but because we’re excited, we can’t think as clearly as we should. We might pick a terrible place with sex toys for a romantic encounter.
There are some places you should never go to buy sex toys. If you want to pick the best sex toy place, research first and ensure you avoid these four sex toy places. So you went on vacation, swam in a pool, and met someone you’d like to sleep with. Maybe later that night, you stopped by the pool on your way back to your hotel room and decided that it would be the perfect place for some kinky vacation sex games.
I’d love to get in touch with you right now. Although it seems like a great idea, there are lots of reasons why you should never have sex in a pool. First of all, pools are full of chemicals. Pussy is very balanced when it comes to bacteria and. If this equilibrium is upset, it can lead to infections that make the moment memorable for the wrong reasons. It can also cause inflammation, and the last thing you want is for your penis to be sensitive after sex.
Also, think about how many people have peed in this collection. The University of Alberta recently completed a study and found that the average swimming pool contains about 10 liters of pee. If you don’t want to do it near your penis, don’t have sex in the pool.
The car might seem like the perfect place for you if you choose a secluded spot to put your sex toys. The problem is that people don’t always do that. They go to high-traffic areas, which might be terrible for you.
Late-night parking is a popular option, but you should rethink it. The risk of being caught by others on the way to your car to continue your journey is high… but another risk is even more terrifying.
Everyone understands the story of the man who had a sex toy in his car. While he was holding his head, a van backed into his car. The impact made the woman’s mouth close. Alas! And what is the moral of this story? Auto.