I finally let the cat out of the bag and talked to a guy I met about female escorts for the first time. I was forced to do it, and now I feel obligated. He and I fight like cats and dogs and have been that way since the beginning. He is physically and emotionally dependent. I also have my warts. Female escorts’ are smart, funny, and sexy, and, as he says, I cannot listen to his needs. Female escorts’ partners can generally be abrupt and impulsive and finish people’s sentences. With other men, he uses the tactic of speaking frankly and telling me to my face. “You need to be more patient; you’re bad at this.” “How would you like me to meet you, pack my bags, and say, ‘It was nice to meet you, but I have to go now.'” You don’t understand that I’m in no position to do a job search. Everyone has these part-time jobs: swimming, swimming training, and meeting someone as demanding as him. The child’s schedule is quite busy He constantly hosts social events but lacks heart and common sense. He invited at least two dozen people to a gathering, with one social event after another. He seems to lack heart and common sense. He invited at least two dozen people to attend. He constantly hosts social events but lacks heart and common sense. He invited at least two dozen people to a gathering. The female escorts’ party was held last Friday so they could meet everyone. “They wouldn’t even believe I’m someone who only accompanies female escorts,” while he sat with his friends and mostly talked to them. I felt like a female companion, a new toy or pet, instead of an equal. Despite his financial generosity, he will be too demanding in the end. The yellow alarm turns red. Last night, the fight happened because I gave him brownies, and he didn’t want them because he was losing weight. Instead of being polite, he says, “This isn’t the right gift for me because it has to be approved. » The war moved to the question of how it feels when I break up. Go at your own pace, don’t even wait for others to finish, say, “Okay, thanks, I have to go,” he criticized. “You need to say goodbye better; you need to stop being so stressed and impatient,” he said. I agree with him, but it’s almost midnight when he says these things, and last night, I told him I was going swimming. He seemed oblivious that I had to sleep and was already tired and stressed. “It
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