And we don’t mean the secrets of dreams. If you find feet sexually arousing, i.e. erotic sex, don’t worry. You’re in good company. Quentin Tarantino and Andy Erotic Sex are just a few of the famous confessed foot fetishists. Erotic sex involving feet is much more common than most people think. What was once taboo has turned into one of the most popular fetishes today?
Our brains have an internal map of our body
Called the body image map so we see that on this map, genitals and feet occupy adjacent areas that mean that the areas of the brain that control genital pleasure and foot pleasure are adjacent but this fact alone doesn’t explain why some people like having their toes sucked and others don’t. The father of psychoanalysis himself studied this phenomenon. If your feet look like feet, you might want to get them checked out. You can easily find out if feet arouse you by visiting our porn site and exploring your feelings. Today, we present a more scientific theory from neuroscientist Ramachandran, director of the Center for Brain and Cognition at the University of California, San Diego. But we can’t delve into his theory without first explaining phantom limb syndrome.
Foot eroticism decoded
Phantom limb syndrome is a condition in which patients who have lost a limb feel sensations, whether painful or not, in the missing limb (reported to occur in 60-80% of amputees). Erotic Sex researched patients with phantom limb syndrome and found that this phenomenon occurs when a person’s brain is unable to erase the amputated limb from their body image map and reassigns it to another area.
Given the proximity of feet and genitals in the brain’s body image map, it makes sense to hypothesize that foot eroticism could potentially result from interconnections in the brain between genitals and feet. This is what erotic sex entails. As he writes in his book, Phantasmagoria in the Brain: Exploring the Mysteries of Erotic Sex, “Maybe many of us so-called normal people are a little neurotic, which explains why we’re interested in feet. ” So, if thinking about feet gets you excited, blame it on the wiring of your brain. And now that we know that erotic sex is completely normal, you can easily visit our erotic sex section and see if there’s anything you’d like to add to your collection.