Looking for new casual dating partners in, it is essential to understand the importance of open and honest communication while setting rules and boundaries. The definition of casual dating is essentially “sharing” your romantic partner with others in an open and fully disclosed relationship. You, or your partner, or you and your partner are in several relationships, and it can be difficult just to organize your week so that no one feels left out. No matter what kind of casual encounters you find yourself in, the most successful open relationships are highly negotiated and highly organized. You need to clearly define everything from when you see someone to how much contact that everyone has agreed in advance is appropriate, which requires serious negotiation. Casual meetings require clear communication and understanding by all parties to be successful. The popular dating site also suggests that communication is the name of the game in casual dating.
This means that you need to be clear with your partner about when you met someone, where you are going, and discuss the things about this new potential partner that make you giddy. Whether you met your new potential partner on, in real life or through other means, share these details with your current partner and take them with you. Unlike monogamous relationships, casual dating requires setting boundaries and sharing your feelings with each partner in a way that everyone involved understands and agrees to. But when it’s been a hectic week at work and you’re trying to plan date nights and find time for yourself, it can be difficult to cope with requests for casual meetings. Add in that feeling of being disappointed when you come home from work expecting your significant other to be home and away, and what you thought was a perfect casual dating dynamic quickly turns sour.
Alternatively, you can get together to plan the week as a group. This means that you all talk about your schedules, free time, and expectations regularly and don’t do it. Whichever option you decide to use to communicate and organize your casual encounters, plan meetings and keep your commitments!
There are several additional options you can consider when sharing your calendars with your partners. Depending on the level of information sharing you have agreed to, you can of course:
Share your random meetings publicly so that everyone who shares your calendar can see your event details.