When female escorts models try to stand out from the crowd, they often focus on coming up with new and innovative ideas. However, in their quest for uniqueness, they can forget about the basics that can make them a lot of money. One of those basics is female escorting. Shows with female escorts are a simple yet effective way for models to make more money. You may have attended a female escort’s show without knowing the potential for it. Female companionship is an art in female escorts’ shows, and it is worth mastering if you want to keep your users interested. Giving pleasure in small doses and pulling away from your partner can increase his desire and make the show more exciting and enjoyable. This technique is mainly used to create tension in the target and build a power dynamic so that the target falls under your umbrella. As the dominatrix in control, you get to decide when the user will reach climax. We have collected advice from top actors on how to hook up with a woman in front of the camera. So, if you are ready to explore the world of female hookups and domination in your next female hookup session, this article is for you.
Start with the right clothes
In any show, the environment is a key factor in determining the atmosphere to come. When it comes to clothing, it’s all about the right amount of skin exposure. Skirts that are just a little revealing, blouses that can be adjusted to show a little cleavage but leave room for the imagination… The goal is to generate excitement, even if it means ending up naked. It’s up to you!
Bonus points if you take off your panties but keep your skirt on. That’s enough to get everyone going.
Tea, tease, tease… repeat
We all know that arousal is not strictly physical, but rather psychological. Since sexual desire starts in the brain, a woman’s strongest arousal happens long before she reaches the physical stage. That’s why there’s foreplay and even foreplay before foreplay. It’s the latter that you should focus on first: a cheeky look, a candlelit room, and of course, a little dirty talk. These are all essential elements of a female escorts show. Focusing on the basics, there are many different ways to create a female escort show, so you have plenty of options to choose from. One that never fails and is very popular is the movement restriction game.